Follow the process of the Subjective Atlas of Amsterdam, get inspired by the various contributions and other subjective atlases, and map out your own perspective of Amsterdam!
From 1 June 2022, Arcam will charge an entrance fee to visit the gallery and the exhibitions. Buy your ticket online via the ticket button or at the box office.
Maps give the impression that they contain objective information, but leave out the layered social, political, and cultural realities of a location or area. This Subjective Atlas of Amsterdam charts a collection of place-specific perspectives from different Amsterdam inhabitants, with particular attention to underrepresented voices in this diverse city. The atlas consists of diverse individual experiences, as recorded during one of the working sessions with the partner organizations. These personal contributions thus became the Subjective Atlas of Amsterdam. The goal of this publication is to contribute to a broader and more inclusive architectural debate by taking the conversation about the city out of the exclusive domain of experts on the subject.
Follow the process here, get inspired by the various contributions and other subjective atlases, and map out your own perspective!
The Open Atelier can be visited on the first floor of Arcam from Friday 22 April until the end of 2022.
The eight workshops are organised in cooperation with Verdedig Noord, We Sell Reality, Wouter Pocornie, IHLIA, Startblok Elzenhagen, Radio Voorwaarts and students from the Sandberg institute.
The Subjective Atlas is organised in cooperation with Subjective Editions (Annelys de Vet and Kurt Vanbelleghem), who are founders of the concept.
Graphic design and visual guidance and support by Wouter Stroet.