With the exhibition ‘Sub terra – New roots for underground urbanism’, we explore the opportunities of building and living underground in Amsterdam and beyond. Sub terra will deepen your knowledge of the use of the subsurface through the ages and of future visions on housing shortage, biodiversity and the climate.
Visit the exhibition Sub terra during opening hours. There is no need to make a reservation.
Opening hours:
Tuesday to Sunday, 1-5pm.
Admission free.
We are spending more and more time underground. Following infrastructure such as tunnels, car parks and public transport, it is cultural facilities such as museums that are going underground.
It is becoming increasingly busy underground and the stakes are getting higher. In the exhibition Sub terra – New roots for underground urbanism’, we show how our subsurface has been used over the centuries. How living and recreating without (direct) daylight can look like in the future. We address questions such as: to whom does the ground belong? How can we better take nature into account? Can we grow vegetables underground in Amsterdam? Or what are other functions for the unused spaces under the city? And are architects still needed if we no longer need façades?
With numerous (inter)national examples, this exhibition offers inspiration to the residents of Amsterdam, designers and policymakers. After all, below ground level there are not only solutions for the compact city or the housing shortage, but also for the protection of biodiversity and against climate stress.
Bezoek de tentoonstelling gratis tijdens onze reguliere openingstijden. Het reserveren van een tijdslot is niet nodig.
dinsdag t/m zondag van 13.00 – 17.00 uur